Total to Date:
404 soccer balls distributed in 29 Countries
With your help we can reach our first goal of distributing 1000 soccer balls worldwide!
Social Change
Through Sport
It is our mission to bring together travellers, young people, vounteer groups and many other passionate people, who understand the importance of sport in the lives of children.
In countless countries all over the world children find themselves without a ball to play with, and resort to making their own ball out of materials readily available to them. And if there are not any materials available then they simply go without being able to play.

The Ball is Round Society of Alberta is an organization that envisions all children have the opportunity to play. We are passionate about the sport of soccer and are dedicated to delivering the most critical element to any soccer game, the ball, to children who do not have one.

The girls to the left are a team from a rural boarding school in Guatemala and were unable to play when the boy’s team was playing because the school only had one ball. We gave Heather 3 soccer balls to bring with her while visiting her sponsor child. These girls can now play whenever they want, and not just when the boys are not.
Prior to one of our travelers who brought 2 soccer balls with her while on a trip to Uganda with Vets Without Borders the school that these children attend only had one ball. Now even more children can participate in sport and be active. Children who are more active have a much higher ability to learn and focus in class.