When you purchase a ball, you have the chance to help change the world one ball at a time. Whether the ball travels with you half way around the world, or to the park across the street, take your new ball and share it with someone who deserves it, or cherish it and play on. We believe that paying it forward in the form of a ball is the best way to spread the good word of the beautiful game.
1 soccer ball = 2 more soccer balls for kids in need.
$45 to recieve this ball (Size 5) = 2 soccer balls to go to deserving chidlren.
Leave all information needed to receive your custom soccer ball in
"add special instructions to recipient" in PayPal.
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$45 to receive this ball (Size 5) = 2 soccer balls to go to deserving chidlren
Leave all information needed to receive your custom soccer ball in
"add special instructions to recipient" in PayPal.
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Mailing address