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"Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play."


Mike Singletary

Recent news

Former RDC Soccer Player Describes New Mission

 June 2014


"We're both really passionate about children and sport and the power of what sport can do for children and not just competitive sport, just activity. I really believe that strong learners come from active bodies," said the physical education teacher.


"There are no words needed. You don't need to explain to someone what you're doing, even if you can't speak the language, they know you are giving them a ball to play with. It's really an amazingly powerful feeling of connecting with another person on a level which is so basic."

The Ball is Round Has a Global Cause

July 2014


“As a teacher I understand that physical activity with children and keeping active is very important.  It is important socially and it gives them an outlet that they might not have. It also shows that it helps them in the classroom as they are more focused.”


Why soccer?


“No matter where you go in the world, soccer is universal. You put a ball on the ground and everyone knows what to do with it.”

Founder, The Ball is Round, Bring New Meaning to Travel

May 2014


Out of a love for soccer and travelling a charity was born with its eyes set on changing play for children all over the world. Nick Moskaluk (Bachelor of Education, 2008) was a part of the Kings Soccer team during his three years and a love for the sport was instilled deep within. It was in 2011 on a trip to Morocco with his girlfriend when that love for soccer found a new purpose.

Inspiring Youth, One Soccer Ball at a Time

November 2013


His organization “The Ball is Round” is hoping to distribute 1000 soccer balls around in world, in an effort to help children play freely, while developing important cognitive, social and emotional skills.

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